Why Men Cheat… Since You Wanted to Know

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Why Men Cheat

We can all agree that there is more than one side to a true story; I am going to tell the side that I am sure about. I am no great philosopher or am I trying to woo the reading public but I just feel that someone needs to start shining a light down this black hole called cheating.

Men do not cheat on women they are totally enthralled by. Yes, it’s a bold statement, go ahead and investigate it. Humans are creatures of comfort, we seek it out aggressively. When humans are not comfortable they find ways of achieving comfort and it so happens that the male species is very good at doing that.

All persons have weaknesses and these weaknesses are many and varied but just to consider a few of the popular ones we will look at lifestyle, power and of course sex. If you are comfortable driving a 1990 Corolla would you work two jobs and holidays to be able to make payments on a 2013 Audi A4 while your friends are home with their families or out having some fun and relaxation?

If you are comfortable simply being a regular part of the team would you sabotage or climb on the shoulders of all your colleagues to get promoted to their supervisor?

If you are comfortable having sex in only ‘doggy style’ would you risk your relationship to have intercourse with someone on the side, who is willing to through in ‘reverse cowgirl’, ‘butter churner’ and oral as well?

Men are not cheating simply because they like the idea of conquest or that they are just uncaring morons; they cheat because they are not comfortable with the woman they have, they are not totally enthralled by their partner and they are actively seeking solutions to the shortcoming that stand in the way of their comfort.

The women of our society have the power to make the situation better but instead of using such a power they throw tantrums and blame men and totally ignore the fact that the majority of such cheating cases were born out of the fact that women have a habit of misrepresenting themselves in their quest for the ‘comforts’ of being a wife; after achieving which, they transform back into their often less lustrous selves which usually is not what the guy signed up for.

Men are not afraid to commit, men are afraid to commit to the wrong woman. Men understand that their partner may gain a few pounds or lose a few pounds over the years, they understand that no one knows what the future holds in terms of health, wealth and so forth but men don’t like when a woman gives the impression that they totally love sex and would love to have sex everyday when they don’t or that they are crazy about being on top when they would much rather the man be on top all the time; because things like those are part of the person that the man is presented with, saying this is who I am, this is my personality.

Women consistently stereotype how men think and what they are looking for in a long-term partner and bate them into the commitment trap through pretenses, and this does not benefit either party. Men will gladly and eagerly commit to a woman who presents her true self to him and allows him to love, appreciate and respect her for who she truly is.

Just as men have to summon up that courage each time to put themselves out there and open themselves up to rejection and in many case disrespect by approaching women, it’s time for the women of our society, the women who demanded equal rights and justice, women who truly want to earn the right to rag on men for being cheaters to summon the courage to dismantle the smoke and mirrors show and lay their true selves out there and give the guys a fair chance at choosing the woman who truly and totally enthralls him as his life partner because he won’t cheat on that person. Want to know why?

Read This Next: What Makes a Man Stray and How to Keep Him Faithful!

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com

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Gary J. Smith is a teacher by practice and a builder by trade, in his late 30s and the 'life of the party'. His friends say he is too technical but calls him with the 'relationship what to do questions' any way. Married to one of the sweetest women in the world for thirteen years and counting and carries the notion that "real" people are simply better people…

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