Here’s Why Fiber is Important for Your Skin

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Fiber is a super-important nutrient for your whole body but did you know that it is also crucial for beautiful, youthful-looking skin?

Yep, a diet high in fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, fruit, and whole grains can actually give you more energy, improve brain health, reduce your risk of a whole range of diseases and help with skin & hair health.

So how does the fiber in your diet affect the health of your skin?

Well consuming high fiber foods in combination with water helps your body flush out toxins, which otherwise can lead to clogged pores, acne, and dry listless looking skin.

Fiber exists in all plant-based foods and is actually the part of the plant that your body can’t digest. It passes through the intestinal tract and as it does it acts like a broom, cleaning your body of toxins, excess fats, and waste.

Fiber also helps improve your circulation, which is vital for making sure your skin cells get enough oxygen and nutrients. This improves your skin’s appearance and will also lead to a softer more youthful skin.

Foods that have been stripped of fiber, such as white bread and other junk food have the opposite effect on your skin and can cause blocked pores, acne, and other skin conditions.

Try adding some of these high fiber foods to your diet to crowd out the junk food and make sure your skin look radiant!

  • Whole grains such as brown rice, barley, millet, buckwheat and steel cut oats
  • Lentils, beans & chickpeas
  • Berries such as raspberries & blackberries
  • Chia seeds & almonds
  • Brussel sprouts, broccoli and leafy greens

Along with eating enough fiber, it’s super important to be drinking enough water to keep your skin healthy. Drinking enough water is often not given enough credit however it can transform your health! Water helps your body regulate its metabolism, aids in your body’s digestion and provides the skin with buoyancy and elasticity which help keep it looking awesome!

Your skin is your largest organ and your skin cells are made up predominantly of water, therefore when your skin isn’t getting enough water your skin will appear dry, tight, flaky and even be more prone to wrinkling.

So how much water should you be drinking? This depends on a number of factors such as your body weight, where you are located (whether you are in a hot climate or cold climate) and also your activity level. A runner in Florida will need a lot more water in a day than an office worker in the winter, in New York.

Generally, however, you want to aim to drink half your body weight in ounces of water so if you weigh 150 pounds, then you want to be drinking 75 ounces of water. Try and spread out drinking the water throughout the day as well, as the body can only absorb so much water at a time.

Drinking water is also a great detoxing agent and again getting those toxins out of your body will have a dramatic effect on the appearance of your skin.

Have you noticed the effect of fiber and water on your skin? Let us know how you will incorporate more fiber and water into your diet?

Information is nothing without application so try starting with more water and add just one high fiber food into your diet today to start to transform your skin!!

Read This Next: Rich Potassium Foods and Their Benefits

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Shannon loves all things outdoors such as hiking, camping, and bike riding. After her second child, Shannon was left with large stretch marks and is now passionate about helping others prevent and help reduce their own stretch marks as well as reduce other skin spots & blemishes. She can be found at

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