What Makes a Healthy Love Relationship?

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Healthy Love Relationship
  1. Staying involved with each other. No matter how busy both partners are, It’s always best to take some time to be involved in what your partner is doing and just being there for them. Lack of involvement increases distance, and with distance comes the feeling of down care.
  1. Maintaining the Passion. Genuine passion is at the heart and soul of every healthy love relationship. Keep your passion for each other burning and see a long life together. If you find that your passion for each other is fading, study your partner again and look for that something that made you fell in love in the first place. Remember the effort and time it took to win your partner’s heart? That is the driving force I am referring to. The result of such an action is simply amazing!
  1. Getting through conflict. Do not panic if conflicts arise between you at times, no two persons ever see eye to eye in all cases. Sometimes you will work things out and share the same conclusion and sometimes you both need to agree to disagree on the topic and just respect each other’s opinion about it and move on.
  1. Trust. This is an important ingredient in any healthy love relationship. If you cannot trust your partner then a lot of suspicions and insecurities will creep into your love life.
  1. Communication. Honest, direct communication is a key part of any relationship. When both persons feel comfortable expressing their needs, fears, and desires, trust and bonds are strengthened. You are able to speak freely knowing your partner listens and loves you for it.
  1. Patience. “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” When a couple decides to be together, each must understand that they are two different persons who have differences that might not be high on each person’s list of likes. Whereas it may be tolerable sometimes you would like to see it gone. For example, your wife may have had a difficult childhood and has a hard time trusting the men in her life, you are cognizant of that and you know for certain that you are faithful and deserves her trust in every way, it takes patience to be proving over and over that you are trustworthy and even more patience combined with love to wait for her to finally see that.
  1. Forgiveness. A healthy relationship is made up of compassion, submission, respect and forgiveness. No one is perfect, that’s why I think forgiveness is the driver of a healthy love relationship. Learn from each other’s mistakes and grow together. Couples who hold on to hurt will never get past it and deny themselves of a happy, loving relationship that is waiting ahead. To let go and forgive may be hard and at times you might think you cannot do it but that thought is a lie and every action begins with the first step. You can do it! It can be achieved!
  1. Alone Time. Time spent alone is what allows us to think about stuff and bring some sanity in our lives. Initially, couples are inseparable which is normal. As time goes by, both may have different interests, hobbies or pursuits to help correlate their partnership.
  1. Keeping outside relationships and interests alive. No one person can meet all of our needs, expecting too much from someone can put a lot of unhealthy pressure on a relationship. Having friends and outside interests not only strengthens your social network but brings new insights and stimulation to the relationship. Be careful however not to be caught up in doing other interests with your friends that you neglect your partner and their need for your time and affection. There has to be a balance.
  1. Friendship. This sustains a healthy love relationship. Both must rely on each other as a true and sincere friend, not only as lovers. Your lover can be your best friend.
  1. Similar goals & values. When making major decisions in life, both have to be in unison. Happy couples are those who learn to agree about financial issues and how to raise their children.

The reality is that it’s the bond of friendship that keeps people together in any circumstance. Seek to be your partner’s friend, lover, and confidant and watch your love life soar to new heights.

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Photo Credit: iStockphoto.com

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