Think Health Magazine Officially Turns One Year Old

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THM Anniversary

Amazingly, today is the day when it all started — the day when Think Health Magazine was officially launched. It has been a wild ride. We have done some crazy things and made some mistakes along the way.

We didn’t have a grand master plan for a successful online magazine, we simply created something that we found useful and that we thought others would find useful, as well. We have poured our hearts and passion into this publication and we are proud of what we have achieved so far over the past year.

We have published over 100 original articles, trying to help people live a happier healthier life. We have established our “Publishing Policy”, which is a set of editorial principles that we adhere to for every single piece of content that gets published on Think Health Magazine. We have created our “Write For Us Guide” which helps us to protect our reader’s interests, and ensure that the content published always merits their attention.

But equally important to our publishing is the design and technology behind it. Over the past year, we have developed and enhanced our layout design, made some important structural changes to improve the browsing experience and support for mobile devices. Recently we added a “Personalize Recommended Post” section, which basically gives each reader a tailored experience (1:1 experience) by using predictive intelligence to optimize and to deliver more personal and relevant content for every user. This has drastically increased engagement and social sharing on

The journey has just begun. We have a lot more in store, and making good on Think Health Magazine mission is our greatest desire. In fact, we would be happy if you would take this journey with us. We have met all of our goals and are now targeting new and greater ones for the year ahead.

We still view the creation of Think Health Magazine as an ongoing process and one that will directly benefit from your knowledge. We hope to hear from you with your suggestions and comments. You can always reach us directly by emailing

And if you have not already done so, connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, PinterestGoogle+ and Instagram. Go ahead you should do that now. 🙂

We’d like to say thanks to all our readers who have been reading us, spreading the word and supporting us, sharing their ideas and suggestions. Every email you have sent to us has incredible value for us. We could not exist without you. To all our contributors and health experts, thank you for an incredible year and #teamchemistry. We really appreciate it. Read more about us and our leadership team here.


Sheldon Blake

Founder & Publisher


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Sheldon is Founder & Publisher for Think Health Magazine, and is on a mission to help individuals live a healthier happier life by fusing his love and passion for technology & media with health.

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9 years ago

Hard work and dedication really pays off. I’m so happy for you guys and I’m wishing you guys alot of prosperity and blessings in the following years to come

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