8 Meaningful Ways to Lessen School Stress This Year

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Lessen School Stress

Just as how we make New Year’s resolutions, I believe that’s how many students make their resolution for each back-to-school season. THM has put together some very useful tips to help you lessen school stress and perform your best. Here we go:

  1. Try as much as possible to go to bed early at nights so you can get adequate rest to tackle the day ahead. When you get sufficient rest, you cope better with challenges that may arise in the classroom.
  2. If you are a person who learns better if you pre-read for class, then do so and if you are one who benefits more by reading the topic after it was taught then do so. Either way it makes the whole business of learning easier and you will recall and apply what was learnt better. This equals peace of mind with school workload, knowing that you are “on top of things” rather than going crazy and being stressed because you’re behind.
  3. Do assignments on time and try not to let them pile up. This way adequate time can be spent on each and limits mistakes due to rushing, hence maximizing your grade. Some persons like the adrenaline rush knowing that the due date is near in order to start doing their assignments, if that works for you well continue.
  4. If you have problems with a particular topic or subject, get help! It makes no sense you sit with a problem that you believe is insurmountable and fail because of pride. Find someone who has a better understanding of the topic, whether a classmate or a senior who has done that course before or even your lecturer and talk with them, then find out if they can accommodate you for some study sessions. Just suck it up and get it done even if it needs a little more of your time and effort.
  5. If you are strong in a particular subject area, help someone who needs to improve (once they are open for assistance), believe it or not, doing so will further boast your strength in that area of study, even more than you might imagine.
  6. Make time for fun or have a hobby. It is the belief of many persons that being a student means no fun until graduation but that is so wrong. One has to have mental balance, all work and no play is stressful, you have to take some time to do healthy things you like, example reading an enticing novel or playing your favourite sport. Having fun with family and friends is wonderful as it usually entails laughter. Laughter is a medicine that de-stresses you.
  7. Lean on family and loved ones, especially in your time of need, everybody needs somebody and emotional support will go a far way in maintaining the strength you need to push ahead in school. No man is an island!
  8. Keep going no matter what, tell yourself you must succeed. Sometimes you lack motivation but push ahead anyways. There is no greater feeling than knowing you have successfully finished this journey you have embarked on and that there is much to be gained from doing so.

Climbing warrants physical exertion, motivation, willingness and a purpose. These are exactly what are needed in the classroom. As Henry Wadsworth Longfellow quotes “The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.” Be strong, soon it will be over!

What are your best tips for coping with school stress? Share in the comments below.

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