5 Ways to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

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New Year's Resolution

The new year always brings a sense of hope. It makes people want to start something good. It can be the usual ones like getting a new haircut or changing the kitchen’s paint. There are those that hold more meaning like forgiving, moving on and starting a new life.

One of the most common new year’s resolutions though is losing weight. People would want to go to the gym and shed off those extra pounds the holiday foods caused. After the celebration has died down, they start going to the gym and do the guilty workout. It’s no surprise that gym memberships are high during the first quarter of the year.

The anxiety of getting back into perfect shape builds up right after new year. The list of what to do is inspiring. What proves to be challenging is acting on it. And when you actually have started doing it, it is keeping up that is more challenging. So how do you make sure that you stay on track and remain focus on your goal? Here are some 5 tips to be fit and healthy the whole year through.

1. Divide your plan into phases

Go easy on yourself, especially if this is the first time that you start a diet and go to the gym. Do not make drastic changes in your regular routine. Your body needs to gradually adjust. Do not shock your body and put it in too much stress. As they say, “slowly but surely.”

Talk to your doctor or speak to your nutritionist on how to make sure that you eat a balanced meal. Never skip a meal especially breakfast; there is no need to reiterate the importance on this one. Make sure that the gym you are joining has trained instructors. Some workout routines may not be good for you. Be extra careful if you have medical conditions. Do not keep it from your instructors and be honest when you are filling up your membership form.

One more thing to remember when you are on a diet is to never deprive yourself of the food you want to eat. Diet doesn’t mean to entirely stop and cut whatever that is you enjoy eating. The point is to be conscious, know what it is you are putting in your body, and practice moderation all the time.

2. Keep trying

Not all bodies are the same. You might start to compare your progress or the lack of it with someone. Remember that you are an individual. Just do what needs to be done and do not beat yourself up. Eventually, you will get to where you want to be as long as you stick to the plan. You might need to adjust at some point but adjust according to what you think is attainable and achievable.

Pushing yourself to your limit is good but you also have to listen to what your body is telling you. Respect it. If you get sick because your body had more than it can take isn’t a good thing. What you are doing is putting your health at risk. Just take it easy.

3. Reward yourself

When you feel that you have achieved a goal, treat yourself. Reward your mind and/or your body. It can be a massage to relax the muscles and soothe the mind, or you can treat yourself to a full course meal.

4. Be realistic

Not all days go accordingly. Not all goals are achieved as planned. There will be setbacks. That’s reality. When this happens, do not just give up. Acknowledge that you fail, and then get back up.

It’s really the setbacks that make you realize important stuff. You get to see your weaknesses, and you’ll learn how to avoid it. When you fail, you learn more about yourself. It builds character.

5. Use an app

It can help you stick to your resolution to stay fit and healthy. There are a number of free and paid apps that either motivates you or keep track of your progress. They serve as a reminder and keep you in check.

Keeping a new year’s resolution is difficult. That is true. But you need to remember that this is not a “one-time” thing only. This must be kept as a routine. It should be part of your lifestyle. This is your health and your body. You need to take better care of yourself every single day.

RYAN RIVERA is a publisher and founder of CalmClinic.com. He sees to it that his readers would learn to better manage stress whatever kind of task is at hand through the tips and tricks he provides. More useful stress-busting tips can be read at Calm Clinic.

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