5 Lip Care Tips for Cracked Lips

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Lip Care

Cracked lips are a common condition in most people. They are mostly caused by dry or cold weather. Most times they can be treated with simple home remedies. If the lips are severely cracked, they can be a sign of a serious medical attention and is recommended that you consult your doctor.

However, before you rush to see the doctor, there are a few remedies you can try out. If they don’t work, then take the next step and see the doctor. They include:

1. Drink water

It has been said before, and I will say it to you again, take as much water as you can every day. I won’t condemn you to the normal 8 glasses of water per day, but just ask that you take water whenever possible. Also, ensure you take fruits that have high water content such as watermelons.

Dehydration is a known cause of dry lips and can also take a toll on your health. The good thing is water is naturally available, so you don’t have an excuse. Make it a habit and within no time you will notice the difference on the lips and the skin too.

2. Exfoliate

Removing the dead skin on your lips is a first step in making them smooth. It will give room for fresh skin making the lips heal faster. You can use sugar (or salt) scrub to massage the lips gently in circular motion. You will get smooth, renewed lips in no time. Ensure you don’t scrub harshly as this could make things even worse.

An exfoliating brush such as a toothbrush will also work. However, ensure it’s clean and that the brittles are soft. Rub it over the lips to remove the dead skin. Note that soap based exfoliates will only dry your lips even more and thus should be avoided by all means.

3. Coconut oil

It has been used as a moisturizer over the years. After exfoliating, plump up your lips by applying some natural coconut oil on them. It will not only smooth them but also protect them from further damage. Any other natural moisturizer (from nuts or seed butter) will work as fine. Such include cocoa or shea butter, almond oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, etc.

4. Stop Licking Your Lips

I know how tempting it is. I have been there, and the urge wouldn’t stop. So, the earlier you drop this habit, the faster your journey to nice, soft lips. As you lick your lips, you get temporary relief, but then again, saliva is not a moisturizer, and it dries off quickly leaving the lips drier and more cracked.

The same case applies to picking the skin on your lips. This habit is even worse as it may result in bleeding, leading to an infection or a cold sore. Whenever these urges knock, reach out for a moisturizer and plump up your lips with it. Also, avoid salty foods as they boost the urge to lick your lips. The habits will disappear with time.

5. Opt For Humid Areas

Exposing your lips to dry air can damage the lips by making them dry and cracked. Refrain from going out when the weather is bad and don’t leave your windows open. If the situation demands that you must be out, be a little protective of your lips by carrying the necessary protective gear. In this case, I mean a moisturizer. You can use a humidifier if it’s a closed door environment.

Another case is exposing them to the sun. The same way the skin is affected, so are the lips. A lip balm with an SPF of about 15 will help you out. Preferably, opt for one made from natural bee wax.  Plump up your lips with it before you step out.

The Takeaway

It may not take a day to achieve your desired lips but for sure you will get them. However, that will only be possible if you take extra care to them. Try the above tips and see which one works best for you. A few life hacks tips will also help you out such as using your fingers when applying anything on the lips instead of rubbing them together.

If all these care tips don’t seem to bring relief, it might be a sign that there might be more than what meets the eye. Consult your doctor to determine what might be triggering the condition.

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Sophie Addison is a skincare expert. She is an independent health and beauty researcher. She is 28 years old studied Medicine from University of Washington, apart from this she enjoys gardening and listening music. She has contributed her work for many sites for beauty and health category. She has written numerous articles on beauty care, skin car, makeup tips and many more like this. You can also contact her on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.

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