5 Easy and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes Your Kids Will Love

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Creamy chicken and mushroom potpie

1. Creamy chicken and mushroom potpie

Children seem to show a universal preference for sweet-tasting food. Scientists believe this is innate to their biology and that this taste preference helps children pick out the most energy-rich foods like carbohydrates and milk.

This is why we’re sure your kids will love this recipe as it combines several sweet-tasting ingredients like mushrooms, onions, carrots, peas, and cream. Besides this, your kids will get a good dose of protein from chicken meat which they need to grow and develop.

The dish is also well-balanced as it contains all essential nutrients like fiber and vitamins from vegetables, protein from meat, and carbohydrates from pastry.

Your kids’ preference for sweets does not mean they have to satisfy their taste-buds with candy. Instead, offer them healthier alternatives like this easy to make potpie.

Classic chicken soup

2. Classic chicken soup

An all-time favorite, this comforting soup is a loved by grown-ups and kids alike. Chicken soup is easy to prepare in a slow cooker and it belongs to one of the best anti-inflammatory foods. A study on chicken soup found that it had a mild anti-inflammatory effect which might explain why it helps mitigate flu and common cold symptoms.

The researchers from this study found that chicken soup inhibited white blood cell migration which is responsible for inflammation. As it turns out, grandma was right when she said that chicken soup cures a common cold. The addition of herbs and vegetables to this classic among soup recipes also provides some micronutrient benefits like vitamin A from carrots.

Spaghetti a la Bolognese

3. Spaghetti a la Bolognese

Kids are usually big fans of spaghetti which is why this Mediterranean classic made it to our list. The Mediterranean diet has been extensively studied for its wide-ranging health benefits evident in the region’s population health profile.

The health benefits from this particular recipe come from protein, iron, Selenium and vitamin B12 found in ground beef and lycopene in tomato sauce which is a powerful cancer-fighting antioxidant. The dish is also usually prepared with olive oil which is a healthier version than commercial refined plant oils. Your kids will definitely appreciate this dish while helping them stay healthy and grow.


4. Slow-cooked porridge

Porridge is probably the healthiest breakfast you could make for your kids. Children are prone to developing iron-deficiency anemia as their growing bodies require a lot of this essential compound. Porridge can help prevent this condition because this budget-friendly meal is rich in iron, vitamin C, selenium, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and much more.

A study on the effects of porridge on children iron levels in poor areas found it helped reduced the rates of anemia significantly. The trick is to make porridge appealing to your kids by adding honey, fruits or adding fruity probiotic yogurt that can help improve your kids’ immunity according to Glozine lifestyle fitness article.

Smoked Haddock Chowder

5. Sweet corn & smoked haddock chowder

Another recipe that will entice your kids’ taste buds and that also contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids from fish. Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for a child’s brain development and that are found abundantly in fish and other seafood.

Besides this, the dish is also dense in protein which is found in milk and fish meat. The dish is also gluten-free and suitable for children with Celiac disease. The addition of sweet corn adds a tiny amount of antioxidants which are always welcomed in a kids’-friendly diet. And just like the first recipe mentioned here, this one is pretty sweet in taste making it a perfect dish that your kids will not be able to resist.

Slow cookers are ideal for when you don’t have the time for keeping watch over a meal. But finding kids-friendly slow cooker recipes is a bit of a challenge as kids are picky eaters. Your best bet when choosing a slow-cooker recipe for your kids is to look for dishes who go on the sweet-tasting side like the ones we’ve listed here.

Read This Next: 6 Healthy Superfoods Recipes for Weight Loss

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com

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Margaux Diaz is Health and Fitness Expert. She is an inspirational writer who firmly believes in the power of self-motivation. She has written numerous Articles on Heath, Fitness, Food and Healthy diet. She is a contributor at Consumer Health Digest since Five years. To get guidance on more food and healthy recipes connect with her on Facebook , Twitter and Google+

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