10 Easy Ways to Relax During the Day

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When stress builds up and the tension is about to drive you crazy whether at work or at home, and you wish you could find an easy way just to take the pressure off, even for just a few minutes to regain mental control and preserve your sanity.

There may be other instances too, when you find yourself with a little time where no one is yelling your name or in need of your assistance, and you have a chance to sneak away and do something relaxing even for just a short while.

Well, just in case you weren’t sure how you could relax in a quick and easy manner, here are a few suggestions that might very well do the trick:

  1. Recline your chair, put your feet up, put in your earplugs and listen to something calming.
  2. If it is a hot day, make a glass of your favorite cold beverage and drink it slowly to cool down your body and talk about the latest trend with a neighbor or colleague (vice versa if it is a cold day).
  3. If you work where there is a beautiful scenery, scope out ‘the best seat in the house’ and go there for a few minutes by yourself and take in the view, it would be even more relaxing if it was where you could get fresh air (perhaps this could be combined with suggestion 2)
  4. Share laughs with a group of friends at lunch time.
  5. Meditate – including 30-60 minutes of meditation during the day can cause you to de-stress.
  6. Play your favorite phone game or solve a puzzle.
  7. Spend time writing a love note to that special person in your life, then read it over to see if it really expresses the way you feel (you don’t necessarily have to deliver it, lol!).
  8. Go for a walk, whether within the building or outside it’s your choice, it will definitely clear your head.
  9. If you are an artistic person, work on a sketch of a scene you find relaxing, then admire it.
  10. Hit the gym before going home and take the edge off in a healthy way.

Too many times our lives are ruined by stress and overwork, practice these quick, simple and most of all healthy ways of taking back control of your day.

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com

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