Did you know rest and relaxation, “R and R”, are significant parts of our healthy living? And the saying: “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy” is true as well.
Many times people associate the phrase “I’m resting” to mean “I’m the weak one” however contrary to that, incorporating rest in your daily plans help to rejuvenate you for the next task, allowing you to regain focus and feel energize to just fire away.
Also, I find, when asking around, that many men and women believe that rest and relaxation are one and the same thing, well it is not.
Rest and Relaxation Difference
According to ardictionary.com rest is a state of quiet or repose; a cessation from motion or labor… whereas relaxation is that blissful state of being at peace with oneself and with the world.
The point I am getting at is that one can have frequent periods of rest without being the least at all relaxed! Something to think about, right? Resting is more physical, relaxation is more mental.
Therefore what I am encouraging you to do, now that you are aware of the difference, is to practice combine mind and body so that your health benefits more.
I invite you next time to join me as I share with you helpful tips about how rest and relaxation can benefit you!
Health talks and tips