5 of the Biggest Reasons You’re Failing at Getting In Better Shape

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Getting In Better Shape

Getting in good health is usually high on the list for most people when it comes to living longer and having a better quality of life. While good health is important, based on the amount of people who I have come across who have tried every fad diet or exercise gadget, it still is something that many of us struggle with.

As a Personal trainer and Older specialist, there seems to be a correlation with the people I meet that seem to struggle most when it comes to improving their health.  Below are a few reasons people struggle with getting in better shape and some possible solutions to the problem.

1. No Plan.

My dad had a saying that I heard too often as a child, “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” The true wisdom in this saying was that there is nothing big that you can accomplish without a plan. Having a plan to get in better shape is important because it affects what workout you do, how you eat and your approach to every lifestyle decision. If your want to make major changes in your health, my advice would be to write down what you want to accomplish then list the steps it will take to get you there.

2. Lack of knowledge.

There is a reason why people go to the doctor when they are sick and mechanics when their car breaks down. Professionals have information that can help you accomplish goals faster than you could by yourself.  If it is a desire to get to a health goal faster, my advice would be to hire a fitness/health professional meaning a personal trainer or nutritionist that can guide you where you might lack knowledge. Also with information being so readily available on the Internet, if you are unable to pay for professional advice look for it online.

3. Don’t change their eating habits.

When it comes to weight loss, a major portion of it is attributed to nutrition. I have seen individuals who regularly work out but not get into better shape or lose weight because they never change what they eat. If you struggle with how to eat properly, look into hiring or speaking to a nutritionist.

4. Expecting too much too soon.

Since we now have reality shows like the “biggest loser,” many people feel it is possible to make huge weight transformation in such a short time. What most people don’t realize with the magic of TV editing, a weight journey that might have taken months is summarized in a few episodes. Unfortunately, when people have unrealistic health goals they are often left discouraged when they are not accomplished. If your goal is to lose weight, set small goals like trying to lose 2-3 pounds every week as opposed a goal of 30 pounds in a month.

5. Don’t make lifestyle changes.

Your lifestyle can have huge implications on accomplishing your goals.  For example, if you are constantly stressed or don’t sleep, how would you every find the energy to regularly exercise.  Finding ways to rest and relax are important factors in establishing the balance for healthy living.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com

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Eric Daw is an active aging specialist and the owner of Omni Fitt. Omni Fitt is dedicated to the wellbeing, health and quality of life of people aged 55 and over. Eric motivates and empowers the older adult population to take responsibility for their independence, health and fitness through motivating and positive coaching experiences.

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